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About PK Endlers

PK Endlers Provides Peaceful, Happy and Healthy Fish for YOU

PK Endlers' Nano Fish Farm in Weare, New Hampshire, USA breeds stunningly colorful, tiny, and healthy livebearers for Nano aquariums. These little miracles are what biodiversity is all about. 


Before your fish gets shipped to you, it has had a head start on living its best life. All of our fish are raised in filtered, planted aquariums. The plants provide enrichment for all the species, and hiding places for fry and shrimplets. The plant roots eat the mulm in the substrate, and some derive nutrients from the water column. 


And speaking of eating, most of our aquariums have algae growing on the glass (or elsewhere in the tanks). The micro-fauna (infusoria) thrive in it and in turn, the fish fry and shrimplets depend on the micro-fauna for food. The adults of each species graze on the algae for food. 


Fish love fresh water, so we provide treated fresh water weekly, as enrichment for the fish. Endlers and guppies especially love to swim in the incoming water stream. If you can imagine opening a window in a stuffy room, with the fresh, clean air flowing in - this is similar to what the fish experience with a gentle stream of fresh, treated water flowing into their tank. 


ALL of our aquarium waste water and plants are eyeballed for "swimmers" (baby fry, shrimp, scuds and snails) before being discarded. It is time consuming, but ALL life matters to us. Its sad enough discarding aquatic plants that have overgrown their environment - we strive to avoid accidental animal death.


Speaking of animals, our quarantine tanks are lux! Most quarantine tanks have floating plants for the comfort of the fish. We also have emergency quarantine mini-tanks, totally bare, and ready for the toughest cases.


PK Endlers raises all our aquatic livestock in local treated city water. We remove chlorine and chloramines with Seachem Prime. PK Endlers' water parameters:


68 -82 F (We have gone heater free, for the safety of our fish)

Hardness: 80+

PH: 7.0


Updated: 02/08/2024

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