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Reflection of a sunset by lagoon inside the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon river basin comp

Endlers, Endlers Hybrids & Staecks Livebearers

South American Tiny Treasures

Endlers Livebearers (Poecilia Wingei) and Staecks Livebearers (Poecilia Wingei/Reticulata) are freshwater fish from South America (specifically Venezuela).  These spectacular, peaceful nano fish (males average 1" and females 1.5") come in many wild and hybrid types. Although Staecks Livebearers were discovered as recently as 2004, many of the older Endler lines are in danger of extinction in the wild, as their former habitats have become polluted. Our livestock was originally sourced from US breeders, and are currently raised in the US region of New England, state of New Hampshire.


Photographs of these lively, colorful and friendly fish hardly do them justice.  They notoriously difficult to photograph, as they never stay still! In person, Endlers, Staecks and their hybrid guppy cousins seem to glow from within, with almost neon color patches and metallic scales, which refract different colors according to the available light.  When males and females are kept together, the males fully color up and court the females continuously. Fry are born approximately every 28 days and begin to color up between 5-6 weeks.


The formation and fate of Laguna de Patos, where Professor John Endler found his original fish, is particularly interesting. An excellent report by Miguel Andrade can be found at the link below, as well as a regional overview and other lagunas where Endler discoveries have been found, in the nearby regions:
























​MORE PICTURES COMING SOON! All fish images on this page © 2021-2024 PK Endlers and Screaming Fly Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.  No reproduction or other use with out written permission. Thanks!


*Certified Regional Breeder, Endler Breeder Association


Laguna de Campoma 2022, with town of Campoma in lower left, Venezuela (Google Earth -  © 2021 Google Earth. All Rights Reserved.)

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